6pm, Friday, Apr 24th, 2009: A portal to the world of Palimpsest (in trade paperback from Random House) with theatrical readings by Catherynne Valente accompanied by music performed by S. J. Tucker.

2pm, Sunday, Dec 28th, 2008: Clare Bell read and signed the fifth novel of the Named, Ratha's Challenge (trade paperback from Beagle Bay).

3pm, Saturday, Dec 27th, 2008: Nisi Shawl read and signed her collection, Filter House (trade paperback from Aqueduct Press).

1pm, Saturday, Oct 20th, 2007: Jeff Carlson read and signed his first novel, Plague Year (paperback from Ace Books) and his award-winning story, "The Frozen Sky", in Writers of the Future XXIII (in paperback from Galaxy Press).

6pm, Sunday, Oct 7th, 2007: Mark Ferrari read and signed his long-awaited fantasy novel, The Book of Joby (hardcover and trade paperback from Tor Books).

Sunday, May 27th, 2007: The Other Change of Hobbit turned 30!!.

Almost everyone was out of town (at BayCon or WisCon),
but our third employee Aaron Wilbanks brought in this mocha cake, which Dave
and various loyal customers nibbled down during the afternoon.
1pm, Sunday, May 20th, 2007: Susan Palwick and Ellen Klages read and signed their latest collections, The Fate of Mice and Portable Childhoods (trade paperback from Tachyon Press).

6pm, Friday, March 2nd, 2007: Elizabeth Moon read and signed her new novel in the Vatta's War series, Command Decision (hardcover from Del Rey Books).
2pm, Sunday, January 21st, 2007: Howard Hendrix read and signed his latest sf thriller, Spears of God (hardcover from Del Rey Books).
2pm, Sunday, January 7th, 2007: John Ringo read and signed the fourth of his Kildar novels, Unto the Breach (hardcover from Baen Books).
2pm, Sunday, August 6th, 2006: Mary Anne Mohanraj returns to the Bay Area to read and sign her linked collection, Bodies in Motion (now in trade paperback from HarperCollins).

Tuesday, May 9th, 2006: John Picacio on a drive-by signing of his art book Cover Story.
Traci, John, and
Cover Story
1pm, Sunday, April 24th, 2006: Jane Lindskold will read and sign her latest Firekeeper novel, Wolf Hunting (in hardcover from Tor Books).

2pm, Sunday, November 20th, 2005: Terry Bisson and Paul Park will read and sign their latest books, Greetings and Other Stories (hardcover from Tachyon Press) and Princess of Roumania (hardcover from Tor Books).

Wednesday, November 16th, 2005: George R. R. Martin on a drive-by signing of A Feast for Crows.

7pm, Friday, October 28th, 2005: R. A. Salvatore will hold a question & answer session and sign his latest Forgotten Realms novel, Promise of the Witch-King (hardcover from Wizards of the Coast).

7pm, Tuesday, October 11th, 2005: John Ringo will read and sign the first of his Kildar novels, Ghost (hardcover from Baen Books).
5pm, Saturday, October 1st, 2005: Ellen Steiber will read and sign her first not-just-for-kids fantasy novel, A Rumor
of Gems (hardcover from Tor Books). You can read the first chapter on her

Friday, September 16th, 2005: Chelsea Quinn Yarbro on a drive-by signing for her new Saint-Germain novel, States of Grace (in hardcover from Tor Books).

Friday, June 10th, 2005: Lois McMaster Bujold on a surprise drive-by signing.

Tuesday, April 26th, 2005: Robert Charles Wilson and Robert Sawyer blitzed through on a drive-by signing.

2pm, Saturday, January 8th, 2005: Kage Baker read and signed her latest Company novel, The Life of the World to Come (in hardcover from Tor Books).

4pm, Saturday, November 13th, 2004: A celebration of Marion Zimmer Bradley's Sword and Sorceress XXI (in paperback from DAW Books), with editor Diana L. Paxson and several contributors, including Dorothy Heydt, Heather Jones, Dana Kramer-Rolls, Cyndi McQuillan, and Jennifer Tifft.
Traviss dropped by the party, after visiting at Lucasfilm.
2pm, Sunday, July 25th, 2004: editor Gregg Rickman and a few of his contributors will sign and read his recent critical anthology The Science Fiction Film Reader (in trade paperback from Limelight Press).

2pm, Saturday, May 22nd, 2004: Adam Connell will sign and read his first novel Counterfeit Kings (in trade paperback from Phobos Books).

2pm, Sunday, February 15th, 2004: Chelsea Quinn Yarbro and Kevin Andrew Murphy will sign and discuss
their articles in Seven Seasons of Buffy (in trade paperback from Benbella Books).

6-8pm, Saturday, October 11th, 2003: ElizaBeth Gilligan will sign and read
from her recent fantasy novel, Magic's Silken Snare (in paperback from DAW Books).

6-8pm, Wednesday, October 29th, 2003: John Ringo will sign and read
from his new novel, There Will Be Dragons (in hardcover from Baen Books).
6-7pm, Saturday, November 8th, 2003: M. Christian will sign and read
from his collection of erotic sf stories, The Bachelor Machine (in trade paperback from Green Candy Press).
A look back at some of our previous events |
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